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How to Use Email Links
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Written by H
Updated over 4 months ago

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Email links are a key part of each Deadline Funnel campaign. You cannot set up your campaign correctly without adding emails links to your emails.

Email links ensure that each of your subscribers will see the correct deadline, and will only be able to access your special offer pages before their deadline expires.

Video Tutorial:

How to Use Email Links

Create a Page

Deadline Funnel email links are automatically created whenever you add a new page to your campaign.

You can do that by going to Edit Campaign >> Pages:

In this example, we've created a page for, where the floating bar is displayed for our campaign.

After each subscriber's deadline is expired, they will be automatically redirected to

Copy the email link

When we added the page, Deadline Funnel automatically generated an email link for that page.

We can find that by going to Edit Campaign >> Emails:

In this example, the email link that Deadline Funnel generated is:

Click on that link in the Emails tab to copy it, and then you can use it in your emails anywhere that you want to link to your special offer page.

Add the Deadline Funnel email links to your emails

In our example, our special offer page is

So anywhere that we want to link to, we'll use the Deadline Funnel email link instead.

Here is an example of how we might do that inside of an email service provider called Drip:

Now, when someone receives your emails and clicks on the Deadline Funnel email link, Deadline Funnel will look up that subscriber's email address and automatically redirect them to either your special offer page or offer expired page.

Frequently Asked Questions

A: If you have already copied a Deadline Funnel email link into your email(s), you can update where that link redirects to by editing the campaign page:

Q: Can I create an email link for a content page or blog post without displaying a timer on that page?

A: Yes! Just create a page for that blog post, select "Don't Display a Timer," and don't add a redirect for after the deadline:

Now you can copy the Deadline Funnel email link for that blog post:

Q: What if I'm using an email platform that is not listed in your integrations?

A: Every email link has a special email placeholder at the end of it that is specific to the email platform you are using.

It changes based on the email platform you have selected under Edit Campaign >> Settings. If your email platform is not listed as an option, select 'Other' and then change the "?em=[email]" parameter at the end of the email link to "?em= *whatever the email address placeholder is for your platform*.

Q: How do I use the email link outside of my email platform?

A: The Deadline Funnel email links are designed to be used in your autoresponder email platform but if you do want to send the link to subscribers directly, not using your email platform, this is how you do it.

Every email link has a special email placeholder at the end of it that is specific to the email platform you are using. It changes based on the email platform you have selected under Edit Campaign >> Settings.

In this example we're going to use the following email link, yours might have a slightly different format:{{subscriber.email_address}}

Copy your email link from the specific campaign and then replace the brackets & contents that come after em= with the subscriber's email address.

Our example email link will then be:

Deleting Email Links

Please note that if you delete a page timer in the Pages section of your campaign, the corresponding email link will also be deleted.

Make sure to update your email sequence to use the current email links in your campaign if you do delete a page timer.

If you have any questions, contact us via chat (bottom right corner of your screen) or email at We're always happy to help! πŸ™‚

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