Important : You will need to complete the setup of your first evergreen campaign before you will see Integrations appear in the top nav.
How to integrate OptiMonk with Deadline Funnel:
1. Navigate to 'Integrations' then click 'New Integration':
2. Select Optimonk and click 'next':
3. Copy the Webhook URL for OptiMonk:
4. In your OptiMonk account, navigate to your Campaign settings, scroll down to Integrations and select 'Where would you like to keep the list of subscribers?':
5. Paste your Deadline Funnel Webhook URL into the URL box and save your changes:
6. Your integration is complete. To test, opt into your OptiMonk campaign and then make sure you can see the email by visiting Analytics >> People Tracked in your Deadline Funnel Admin:
How to test
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