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How to add Deadline Funnel to a SamCart Page
Hannah avatar
Written by Hannah
Updated over a week ago

Video Tutorial:

Deadline Funnel default behavior

The default behavior in Deadline Funnel is to always show a deadline on the page.

  • If the visitor has already been tracked by Deadline Funnel, then we'll show their existing deadline.

  • If they haven't been tracked yet, Deadline Funnel will start tracking them via their IP address/cookie, and display a new deadline for that user.

How To Use a Floating Bar Countdown:

Log into your SamCart account and navigate to 'Products' to copy the URL for the product you want to integrate with Deadline Funnel:

Navigate to Campaigns > Edit Campaign > Pages and add your product URL, select 'Display Floating Bar', add your redirect URL, and click 'Save':

Navigate to 'Tracking code' in the navigation and copy your Tracking Code:

Navigate back to your SamCart account, click on your Product > Advanced Settings > and paste your Deadline Funnel tracking code into the 'Embed HTML/Scripts in Header' box, then click 'Save':

**Note: ** It may take several minutes for SamCart to update the page once you have added the HTML code.

Once your SamCart page has updated, test the page by visiting the link and you should see your countdown floating at the bottom. Here's an example of what the Floating Bar will look like:

To Use an Inline Countdown:

Navigate to Campaigns > Edit Campaign > Pages, add your SamCart URL, select 'Display Inline Timer', add your redirect URL, copy the HTML code to show your inline timer on your page, and click 'Save':

Return to your SamCart Products dashboard and navigate to Checkout Design, then scroll down until you see 'Launch Drag & Drop Builder"':

Grab the HTML widget and drag it to the position where you want the inline timer to display. Once the widget is in place, head to the HTML box on the right and past the inline timer code. Now click on Publish:

**Note: ** It could take several minutes for SamCart to update the code on the page.

Once SamCart has updated your page, you will see your inline countdown timer on the page:

That's it! You've now integrated your Deadline Funnel countdown into your SamCart sales page.

How To Add Portal To a SamCart Page

Step 1: Go to the “Pages” section of your Deadline Funnel campaign and click “Add New Page”

Step 2: Click the “Display Portal” Option

Step 3: Add the page where you want Portal to show up, and if you want it to redirect to a different page when the deadline ends, add the redirect page. (If you don’t want it to redirect, leave this field blank)

Step 4: Click “Save” and then go test the page to see if Portal is showing up. You should see it within a minute or two of making the updates.

If you have any questions, please let us know at

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